“Cats, Content, and Community: A year of long tails on walkerart.org,” Keynote. National Digital Forum, Wellington, New Zealand, November 2012.
“Building walkerart.org,” Keynote co-presenter. MuseumNext Conference, Barcelona, Spain, May 2012.
“Bringin’ It All Back Home: Acknowledging Your Online Support Community,” panel discussion. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, April 2012.
“Best Practices in Museum Search,” workshop instructor. Museum Computer Network 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011.
“What is the Point of a Museum Website?” panel discussion. Museum Computer Network 2011, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011.
“Hiding our Collections in Plain Site: Interface Strategies for ‘Findability’,” author, presenter. Museums and the Web 2010, Denver, Colorado, April 2010.
“Google Analytics for Nonprofits,” presenter. Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Technology and Communication Conference, October 2007.
“The Possibility (and Practicality) of Web 2.0,” co-presenter. Minnesota Council of Nonprofits meetup, October 2007.
“Beyond Blogging: Is it a Community Yet?,” workshop co-instructor. Museums and the Web 2007, San Francisco, California, April 2007.
“Blogs and Blogging for Museums,” workshop co-instructor. Museums and the Web 2006, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2006.
“Interoperable Audio Information Systems: Cell phones and VXML,” presenter. Museum Computer Network, Boston, Massachusetts, 2005.
“Content reuse for multiple output devices,” presenter. Museum Computer Network, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2004.